Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cicada Invasion '08

Yuck! I hate these wretched little insects! Cicadas are a species of insects that come to Cincinnati once every seventeen years. As luck would have it, the wedding summer of 2008 was the blessed year they came for a visit. They are ugly, red-eyed creatures that make a loud, high-pitched sqeal sound. There are literally hundreds of thousands of them in a concentrated area. The mass of cicadas started to die off about a week ago, leaving behind a horrible stench that lingered in the air. The only scent I can liken them to is a wet dog. Dad and I decided that if we were to get rid of the source of the smell, the air would again become breathable.

I raked the decaying cicadas around the base of several trees, and
Dad shoveled them into their waiting hearse.

By the end of our adventure, we had two full wheel barrels of our little buddies! Gross!!!

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