Friday, June 20, 2008

Car Detail. . .in the mall parking lot?

Mom, Dad, and I went to (ANOTHER) wedding tonight, afterwhich we enjoyed a family journey to Wally World. They dropped me off to run a quick errand in the mall. When I came outside, I found the great Doug Baker doing none other than. . . waxing the Mazda 3! Mother quickly informed me that he had already "washed" the car using a gallon of water and some rags he had found in the trunk. He was now finalizing the car's fine appearance with some vigorous circular motion and a fresh coat of tire shine. After sitting there for several minutes and getting quite a few "Smile - You're on candid camera" looks, a man walking out of Dillard's asked if his car could be next! My family has officially lost it. I'm going to miss these good bonding times with my parents, but it's good to know that they will never have a dull moment, even without the kids to keep it interesting!

Mom went right along with it. . . just glad to finally get her car looking nice for Homearama.

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