Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Andrea Bocelli (aka: Andrew and Cristina)

Our Aunt Susie sent us a cd of her snapshots from the wedding. I decided to post them since I don't have any pictures of my sister's big day up and also so Andrew and Chica can see some random shots of their own wedding. Enjoy, my Chica Bonita! You were one beautiful bride!

The bride, as calm as could be. . .
"The Baker Sisters" - Bek, Chica and Blondie
Andrew and Cristina conversing during David's song
Mom and Dad. . .2 down, 1 to go!
David and Rebekah. . . Good work you guys! You pulled off an amazing evening.
Chris and Melissa - We're next! Just a few more weeks!
(By the way, nice shirt and tie. . . Perfect colors!)
I thought Justin and Ryan might appreciate this picture. Justin looks as if he is trying to figure out how to use such a high-tech camera, and Ryan looks as if he may have forgotten the film. Hmmm. . .


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful wedding, I wish you the best on your upcoming wedding, it was good to know you have a blog too maybe we can keep up with each other now.
Elisha Asberry

Drew's Place said...

Thanks for giving us a small taste of our wedding. I can't wait to get the ones from Steve. This is going to be fun keeping up with each others' lives through pictures. You're right; we'll all be just fine. Love you.
